gis program

Marikka Williams talks Fleming College: A top GIS school for success-oriented students

Between Ottawa and Toronto, nestled in what many consider the best cottage country in the world is Lindsay, Ontario.  It is in…

Montréal: Joignez-vous au Sommet d’Observation de La Terre le 20-22 juin 2017

En tant que diplômé récent du Fleming GIS programme, j’ai eu la chance d’aller à Montréal pour assister au Sommet…

May 16: Thunder Bay GoGeomatics Speaker: Rob Rempel – Research Scientist MNRF

You are cordially invited to our fun free event geomatics networking event on May 16th.  Tuesday, May 16, 2017 –…

Montreal: Join me at the Earth Observation Summit June 20-22, 2017

As a recent graduate of the Fleming GIS program I jumped at the chance to attend the Earth Observation (EO)…

My COGS GIS Education, Part II

In my first article, I introduced the how and why I chose to attend COGS from the fall of 2014…

My COGS GIS Education

What About COGS The Centre of Geographic Sciences (COGS) is one of the best colleges in Canada for learning GIS. …

GIS in Action: How Does BC Pinot Noir Express Terroir?

Editors note: In this previously published article, Karl Kliparchuk, BCIT GIS Program Head & Instructor uses GIS to explore the…

How to Start Your Career in GIS

You are reaching the point of your life where you are finishing up your last year of college or university…

Geospatial Development: Enhancing GIS curricula with programming skills at UNB

Geospatial information science and technology (GIS&T) has rapidly evolved over the last few decades. This evolution has created a highly…

Students Talking

Ten Online GIS Programs in Canada

After completing an undergraduate degree in 2015, (Geography and Environmental Studies at the University of Toronto) I needed to determine…

What are the Top Programming Languages in the GIS World?

Image source: Every now and again we hear about the importance of programming for Geographic Information Systems(GIS) professionals, that…

Report for 450 Participants & Sponsors: 2016 GoGeomatics Canada Back to School Socials

Last month the Canadian geomatics community came together to celebrate the start of the new school year by welcoming new…

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