10 LinkedIn Geomatics Groups You Should be Following
We just updated our list of our top 10 geomatics-related LinkedIn groups. From GIS to surveying to job searching, the groups below are strong networks for geomatics professionals. If you’re not already a member of these groups, you should be!
We love using LinkedIn for social networking with the geomatics community. It’s a great way to share ideas, connect with like-minded professionals, and get feedback. We based the following list on the quantity of members of each group and quality of the group discussions.
1. GIS
This group has a strong, engaged community, with an impressive member count of 56,445. This group receives several posts a day on everything from industry interviews and news, questions and answers from the community, and worldwide events. It’s a great way to stay up-to-date on everything GIS.
2. GIS Jobs
Job-related groups are always popular, and the 28,469 members on the GIS Jobs LinkedIn group prove it. Most posts come from various job sites – it’s a must-follow for anyone in the job market.
3. GPS/GIS Jobs
Remember when we said job-related groups are some of the most popular? Well, here’s another group that all job seekers should follow, particularly if they’re interested in mapping and GIS. This group has a whopping 25,465 members.
4. ESRI Network
The ESRI Network LinkedIn group has a solid 20,000 members, and they love to discuss all things ESRI. This networking group is focused on sharing experiences and building relationships based on ESRI solutions, and discussions come from all around the world.
5. GIS Professional & Networking
This group is 19,332 members strong. The managers describe it as a “group for very enthusiastic GIS Professionals” where members share thoughts, questions, jobs, and experiences, all in a professional networking space.
6. Surveyor Network
This group of 15,699 members brings together surveyors, employers, and agencies to an open forum. They post about their favourite topics – surveying – from all over the world.
7. Surveying Engineers (Engineering Surveyors) Jobs & Employment Worldwide
Another group for the surveyors! This one boasts 13,792 members, and focuses on recruiters and professionals from across the world in a job-oriented space. This group is mainly for engineering surveyors.
8. GIS in the Geosciences
The 9,732 members of this group have backgrounds in geology, engineering, mining, petroleum, environmental, and other earth science-related fields. Members chat about GIS technologies used in the geosciences.
9. Canadian GIS & Geomatics
The goal of this group is to promote and share Canadian education programs, GIS jobs, conferences, industry and more. This engaged community of 4,360 members represents all aspects of geomatics, all across Canada.
10. GoGeomatics Canada
We couldn’t let this list go by without bragging about the GoGeomatics Canada group! We’re so proud of the growth of our group over the past years, and want to extend our thanks to each and every one of our 3,216 members. This page is a professional networking group for GIS, remote sensing, surveying, aerial photography, engineering, and geomatics. We share posts from our job board, career information, news, articles, events, and more.