2017 GIS Day & Geography Week GoGeomatics Socials in November

Kingston Social
The whole team at GoGeomatics is excited to be promoting geography week and GIS day in Canada this November. With that in mind we have scheduled some interesting and lively events for the geomatics community. If you are interested in participating please click on the links to each one of the Meetup groups and join the local Group in your area.
Vancouver Nov 15th GIS Networking event Wednesday, 6:30 PM The Lennox Pub
GoGeomatics is meeting on the third Wednesday of the month of November for some beers and networking. This will fall right on GIS DAY! If you are a professional or a student in the field of Geomatics, Remote Sensing, Surveying, Cartography or any other field of Geography, come and join us at the Legion. We will be on the upper area at the back of the Lennox Pub.
Kelowna GoGeomatics Trivia Night Thursday, November 23, 6:00 PM Mission Tap House
Join the GoGeomatics Kelowna group for some Geography Trivia at our networking event. We have a whole bunch of leftover T-shirts from last year to give away! Come and get yours!
Calgary November 14th (Tuesday) City of Calgary GIS Day Speaker
You’re invited to the November GoGeomatics Calgary Social celebrating GIS Day at Brewsters on 11th Avenue! This free, fun networking event will bring together students, industry professionals, managers, and more from across the Canadian geomatics community. GoGeomatics is excited to be hosting Brett Cedergren, a senior geospatial analyst with the City of Calgary, who will be presenting for the occasion.
Edmonton Nov 15th (Wednesday) GIS Day Speaker: City of Edmonton Open Data Platform 6:30PM

Toronto Social
GoGeomatics is please to announce that David Rauch with The City of Edmonton and will be discussing The City’s Open Data Platform. This information presented by David will expose you to free city data and answer any questions you might have on how to utilize it.
Thunder Bay Nov 14th (Tuesday) GIS Day Event, 7:0 PM, Lakehead University Outpost Talk to be held at Regional Centre Building.
Please join us for our final meet up this year in Thunder Bay. The meet up will kick off GIS Day events planned for the following day at Lakehead University. Keynote speaker, Ryan Garnett from the City of Toronto. Ryan, a former grad student of Lakehead University, is the Manager of Geospatial Integration and Access for the City of Toronto. His talk will be on Modernizing Municipal GIS in a World of Big Data, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence.
Ottawa Nov 13th (Monday) GIS Day Speaker: Founder of Ecere Inc, 6:00 PM James Street Pub
The Ottawa GoGeomatics Group with the support of the Department of Geography & Environmental Studies of Carleton University is presenting a special speaker for geography Awareness week and GIS day this November. Jérôme Jacovella-St-Louis is the Founder of Ecere Corporation one of Canada’s top innovative new software and geomatics companies.
London GIS Day Social on Friday, November 17, Fox and the Fiddle

London Social
The GoGeomatics London group is going be at the Fox and Fiddle on Friday Nov 17th for drinks and networking. Our social will coincide with the GIS day events at the GIS Day Open House at the OGSR Library. The events are free, informal, and open to everyone. See you there!
Toronto GIS Day Speaker Nov 16th Thursday GIS Day, 7:00 PM Betty’s On King (Upstairs)
The GIS day speaker has not been announced yet so keep checking the Meetup Group for the speaker and topic. Join GoGeomatics for our November social! These monthly socials are a chance to network with others in the geomatics field to chat GIS, remote sensing, surveying and more in a casual atmosphere. They’re always fun, and always free.
Kingston Geography Week & GIS Day Social is on Wednesday, November 22, 2017 6:00 PM Sir John A Public House
The Kingston GoGeomatics Group meets every month to talk about GIS, remote sensing surveying, technology, education, training, jobs, and much much more! We welcome everyone in all areas of geomatics! We will be having a speaker this month, details to come soon…