Two Great Remote Sensing Speakers: CRSS Ottawa & Toronto Events
At the end of this month, GoGeomatics Canada will be having two standout speakers at the Ottawa and Toronto Socials. The topics of these talks are relevant to people in every geomatics sector across Canada as well as students, professionals, entrepreneurs, and professors.
Ottawa Friday, February 28th at 7 PM
At the Ottawa Social, the former Director General of the Canada Centre for Remote Sensing, Dr. Bob Ryerson, will talk about the future of the remote sensing industry in Canada.
Dr. Ryerson is an award-winning scientist, author, and senior executive in both government and industry in the remote sensing and geospatial field. In addition to having won the 2012 CRSS-SCT Gold Medal Award, he has been an invited speaker on every inhabited continent, and has been an elected leader of his field in both the USA and Canada. A Certified Mapping Scientist and Fellow of the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, he has provided advice to and/or in more than forty countries world-wide in the area of mapping, geospatial analysis, and remote sensing.
The CRSS GoGeomatics Ottawa Social is happening Friday, February 28th at 7 PM at the James Street Pub.
Toronto Friday, February 28th at 7 PM
On the same night at the Toronto Social, Kevin Andrews, a geomatics engineering professional, will be talking about how “Rocket Science Invades Your Living Room“.
Kevin describes his talk as a look at how the technology of inertial navigation made the journey from German rocket science, to mapping and surveying, to cellphones and video game controllers! Yes, there will be math but, no, there won’t be a test afterwards. Kevin finished his B.Sc in Geomatics Engineering from University of Calgary in 2000 with a clear focus on technology development, especially inertial navigation and GPS. He is currently a product manager at Applanix, in Richmond Hill, where he brings technologies like inertial navigation to the surveying and mapping world. He is also responsible for new product development and product lifecycle management for POS LV including the coordination of Sales, Marketing, Support and Engineering.
The CRSS GoGeomatics Toronto Social is happening Friday, February 28th at 7 PM at the Fox & Fiddle Pub.
Both of the events are sponsored by the Canadian Remote Sensing Society, so free snacks will be provided to attendees. You can find more information about the CRSS here. We would like to thank them for their support of GoGeomatics Canada.
If you are interested in attending or would like more information about our socials, please let us know by emailing or through our Meetup Ottawa and Meetup Toronto Groups.
We hope to see you at this free event!