Volunteer Editors and Group Writers

How are the GoGeomatics Briefing created?

All across Canada, our volunteer editors and group writers gather virtually, on a weekly basis, to discuss and share the newest geospatial news together. Each Writer prepares a few interesting articles that they have researched about, and they share why the reason behind selecting their piece with the other writers. Each researched article is selected based on the relevancy, credibility and interest to the geospatial community. After the team shares all their researched articles, all members vote on the most relevant pieces to write a briefing about.

Our volunteers’ dedication is very valuable to our community. Their efforts embody the spirit of what it means to really be the change you wish to see in the community.

Articles by Volunteer Editors and Group Writers

Canadian Geospatial Digest January 23th, 2023

New Trimble Forestry Lab at the University of British Columbia Mapping the health of kelp forests Raising Awareness About Canada’s…

International Geospatial Digest January 16th, 2023

9 Key Trends to Watch in 2023 Passing of an Australian Geospatial Giant – Dr Peter Woodgate How India Leverages…

Canadian Geospatial Digest December 19th, 2022

Mississauga’s daunting climate data raises concerns LiDAR technology tested on the real-world light rail system Premier’s award for Fleming college…

International Geospatial Digest December 12, 2022

Ukraine Interactive Map Mapped: Carbon Dioxide Emissions Around the World The Dawn of the Space Economy: The New Frontier in…

Canadian Geospatial Digest December 5, 2022

Airport Uses LIDAR in Award-Winning Project A New Map For The Salish Sea $4.8 Million to McGill for Climate Change…

International Geospatial Briefing November 28th, 2022

Germany Builds Digital Twin of Rail Network in NVIDIA Omniverse Kalmar Municipality Streamlines Digital Capture for Community Planning How Drones…