Canadian Geospatial briefing for 21st December: 2050 Carbon Targets; 2021 Esri Canada Map Calendar; Open-source building height estimation; Nova Scotia map for property taxes; GeoIgnite 2021!
GeoIgnite 2021: One Month, Three Great Events!
We are already excited about the upcoming events for GeoIgnite 2021! More details to follow in our upcoming posts.
- First Event – April 14th: GeoIgnite Career Fair & Diversity Leadership
- Second Event April 21-22: GeoIgnite Conference Canadian Geospatial Leadership & Geospatial Intelligence
- Third Event Week of April 26th: GeoIgnite Skill Share: Workshops, Seminars & Training

GeoIgnite will be announcing our Platinum sponsor in January. We are very excited to be working once again on Canada’s national Geospatial Leadership Conference.
What Canada can — and must — do to reach its 2050 carbon targets?
With recent advances in data science and geospatial mapping (think of the maps on your phone), we can model and measure energy, emissions and costs at the household level with far more precision. This is a golden green leadership opportunity for the federal government. With its legislated mandate to advance science and technology for the benefit of Canadians, the federal government can work with the provinces to improve the ability of Canadians and entrepreneurs to access and understand the buildings and energy data that’s already out there. Check out this article for more details
2021 Esri Canada Map Calendar
The Esri Canada annual map calendar contest invites participants to create and submit theme-based maps, out of which 12 best ones are selected for the Map calendar. The Esri Canada map calendar for 2021 will be in the mail in January.
This year themes included environmental preservation, economic health and mobility/movement, bike lanes, asset management, asset and resource inventory, health care, tourism, community, work management, analysis and modelling, planning and design, sharing and collaboration, land, air, water and natural resources, transportation and utilities, buildings and facilities, business and commerce, education, public safety, defense and security. Click here to see all the beautiful selected maps this year! Also available in French here

An Open-source System for Building-height estimation using Street-view Images, Deep Learning, and Building Footprint
Building height is an important piece of information that can be extracted from street-view imagery. Such key information has various important applications such as economic analysis as well as developing 3D maps of cities. In this project, an open-source system is developed for automatic estimation of building height from street-view images using Deep Learning (DL), advanced image processing techniques, and geospatial data. Source :
Interactive CAP map designed to decipher property tax confusion in Nova Scotia
Curious as to whether your property tax bill is too high or too low?
That information is now just a few keystrokes away thanks to a new interactive map of Nova Scotia that allows viewers to quickly check out the assessed value of a given residential property, the taxes currently paid under the Capped Assessment Program (CAP) and the taxes they would pay without the CAP. Map users simply have to hover over a specific property, all color-coded to indicate whether the owner overpays or underpays, to see all of the relevant information. The map even shows the median household incomes for specific neighborhoods.
The visual tool is the result of a partnership between the Nova Scotia Federation of Municipalities (NSFM), the Nova Scotia Association of Realtors (NSAR), the Investment Property Owners Association of Nova Scotia IPOANS) and the Association of Municipal Administrators (AMANS).
Hoping to achieve even greater success and engagement in the coming year!