Did You Know You Can Help Build and Implement a National Geomatics Action Plan?
At the June 9 and 10 CGCRT Team Canada event, the attendees were called upon to join working groups in order to help implement and define the National Geomatics Action Plan. We wanted to let you know that even if you didn’t attend the June event, you still have the opportunity to join one of the seven working groups! These are volunteer opportunities open to everyone in the Canadian Geospatial Community. None of them have met yet so you can get in on the ground floor.
Depending on your background, these groups can appeal to stakeholders from all fields, including industry, academia, professional associations, students, NGOs, and government, and spanning the geomatics domain.
The Pan-Canadian Geomatics Strategy has been adopted, and the Action and Implementation Plan is being refined. The working groups are being tasked with determining the steps and resources needed to put that Implementation Plan into action.
The working groups include:
- Identity –Addressing the need to articulate an easily understood and compelling identity that creates a positive image with government and private sector decision makers, and the public at large.
- Market – Addressing the need for Canadian-based geomatics companies to more innovatively and competitively meet the needs of a growing national and international geospatial marketplace.
- Business Model – Creating a business environment that enables productivity and innovation, promotes excellence, and rewards investment in the geomatics sector.
- Leadership and Governance – Proposing leadership actions with an accompanying governance structure necessary to enable the community to come together under a shared vision and goals.
- Education and Capacity Building – Ensuring the broader geospatial community has the skills training necessary to make effective use of geospatial information in their daily work and to ensure a geospatially-enabled society.
- Data Sources – Assigning custodial responsibilities for maintaining and distributing core data to ensure confidence that the data being provided is accurate, authoritative, and accessible.
- Legal and Policy Interoperability – Developing a harmonized, interoperable legal and policy framework that enables the creation, access, and use of geospatial data in Canada.
Joining a working group might be the most effective way to make your voice heard in the larger Canadian geomatics sector, and use your passion and insight to help shape the future of the sector.
If you’re interested in signing up for a working group, email communications@cgcrt.ca and indicate which group you would like to join.