EnerGIS 2017: Call for Papers & Scholarship Opportunities
EnerGIS 2017
6/5/2017 to 6/6/2017
Suburban Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Join us for our 5th annual conference June 5th and 6th 2017!
EnerGIS 2017 is an energy-focused Geographic Information Systems conference that brings together GIS professionals and spatial data managers from across North America and diverse market verticals to discuss innovation and technological advancement.
EnerGIS 2017 will be held at Range Resources regional headquarters located at 3000 Town Center Blvd in Canonsburg, Pennsylvania.
Call for Papers and Scholarship applications are still open!
Professionals – Join in the discussion regarding the integrated North American Energy and Geospatial industries! Submit an abstract today!
Students – Every year EnerGIS provides several thousand dollars to deserving geospatial students within the United States and Canada! Apply today!
Visit the EnerGIS website to learn more, or contact the conference committee at energisconference@yahoo.com
Visit our Conference Website for more information here