GoGeomatics 2015 Back to School Socials: Over 350 Participants Coast to Coast
The 2nd annual GoGeomatics 2015 Back to School Socials have been a tremendous success. Last year we had 200 participants and we thought that was huge. This year we almost doubled that with 365 participants. Below you will see some pictures from the events. The GoGeomatics socials are held regularly in the following locations: Vancouver, Nelson BC, Calgary, Edmonton, Toronto, Niagara, Kingston, and Ottawa. Here is a link to the upcoming socials that we do each month.
My thanks go to our city group leaders across the country who did a terrific job organizing and hosting these events. What an effort! Our group leaders are leaders in the Canadian geomatics community who work at the grass roots level facilitating new networks that in turn enrich our industry and community.
The Back to School socials are where we welcome new and returning students to the geomatics community in Canada. For many this is the first time they get to interact with professionals and senior people in our industry. The socials are fun free networking events supported by the the community.
GoGeomatics thanks Esri Canada, GITA, Algonquin College, University of Carleton, Selkirk College, The Association of British Columbia Land Surveyors and URISA Alberta for making these events possible. Esri and GITA had representatives at all the events sponsored which added greatly to students experience. In Alberta URISA also helped welcome participants in person. In Halifax the Canadian GIS website was well represented by Ted Mackinnon who hosted.
If your organisation is interested in supporting the next 2016 GoGeomatics Back to School Socials or sponsoring a social in your city this year, please get in touch with me at info@gogeomatics.ca.
Enjoy some of the pictures from our socials across the country.
Calgary GoGeomatics Social
Vancouver swag table at GoGeomatics Social
Vancouver GoGeomatics Social
Toronto GoGeomatics Social
Castlegar BC GoGeomatics Social
Edmonton GoGeomatics Social
Group leaders and Professors from Carleton University Ottawa GoGeomatics Social
Ottawa GoGeomatics Social
Ottawa GoGeomatics Social
GoGeomatics Socials Canada would not be possible without the support of the community.
Gold Sponsors:
Silver Sponsors:

The sponsors also provided door prizes for the event. We had books had some of the newest books in GIS & Web Mapping. Prof. Emmanuel Stefanakis of UNB has provided copies of his latest book entitled “Web Mapping and Geospatial Web Services: An Introduction” for each social as well as another book he has recently published Called Geographic Databases and Information Systems. Esri Canada also provided “Getting to know Web GIS.”