Data acquisition is without a doubt one of the most important processes in the implementation of any GIS. As GIS…
Association of BC Land Surveyors Rectangle Surveying Riddle
The Association of BC Land Surveyors has been kind enough to allow GoGeomatics Canada to republish the puzzle from the…
Evaluation of the Service New Brunswick Geographic Data & Maps Section
Service New Brunswick (SNB) is serving up geospatial data to the community so lets have look at what they are…
Where is the Antipode for your area? Just Point, Click & Reveal
I am sure if you have been to one of my GIS web sites then you may have noticed that I tend…
Announcing Geospatial 2013 World Tour – United, Modern, Dynamic
For many years, organizations have struggled with using geospatial data effectively. This is a common problem faced by government agencies,…
Projections and Coordinate Systems for GIS: A new perspective on old ideas.
Projections and Coordinate Systems for GIS: A new perspective on old ideas. (Or, GIS Professionals Should Consider That A Lot Of…
TECTERRA: Investing in Innovation Vancouver Feb 28, 2013
TECTERRA is coming to Vancouver! TECTERRA cordially invites you to explore new business opportunities in geomatics Please join us in…
Landfill Assessment and Sensitivity Mapping Project
Project Task: Locate and collect information about open, closed, and historic landfills in order to create a 5 years inspection plan…
The First GoGeomatics Canada Newsletter
We have our first GoGeomatics Canada Newsletter. With over 5,000 geomatics subscribers the whole team is excited to start communicating…
Relying on Technology for EMS in Canada – Pros and Cons
New Years is a time to reminisce about the past year and compile your thoughts. What better way to do…
GoGeomatics Awarded Contract: Maintenance of Canada’s Largest Enterprise GIS
‘Twas the week before Christmas and GoGeomatics has been called in to assist one of the largest non-profit clients in…
Lynn Moorman: Finding the Way with Geo-Literacy
At first glance, navigating the world has never been easier. Getting from Point A to Point B is a snap;…