Montreal’s K2 Geospatial opens office in Chile
K2 Geospatial Inc. announced today the official inauguration of its first office in South America, in Santiago, Chile.
The establishment of K2 Geospatial Cono Sur in Santiago has come as the result of months of work on the South American continent and the development of many business relationships by the company in Chile. Through this, K2 Geospatial continues its international expansion following the opening of its office in the United States, in Boston, in December 2013.
“Chile is at the heart of our plans for growth in Latin America. The country’s outstanding level of organization, its welcoming attitude towards business, its strong economic growth and its unique geographic situation provide all the key elements for us in developing our business in South America,” stated Jacques Charron, President and CEO of K2 Geospatial at the opening of the Santiago office.
The Santiago office will be the launch pad for K2 Geospatial activities in the promotion and implementation of its JMap map-oriented data integration platform in the Cono Sur countries of Chile, Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay.
Used today by more than 400 organizations on three continents in four languages (French, Spanish, English and Portuguese), JMap is already established in a variety of large South American organizations, in Chile, Peru and Brazil.
The K2 Geospatial Con Sur team based in Santiago will build on those successes and take the quality and power of JMap to local and regional government, transportation, natural resource and public utility organizations throughout the Cono Sur economic zone.
About K2 Geospatial
Since 1995, K2 Geospatial has been committed to bringing spatial information and analysis tools within everyone’s reach by developing software solutions that provide effective visual aids to decision-makers. These solutions are designed for land, building, infrastructure, and security management purposes. They are used by municipalities, regional governments, ports, airports, public utilities, and natural resource companies.
JMap, our core product, is both a map-oriented platform for systems integration and a Web-GIS known for being an open, neutral, fast, robust, and scalable tool. JMap puts geospatial technologies to work for decision-makers by making it easy to access and use systems that are often complex and isolated in silos.
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