Mystery Speaker Revealed for Next Ottawa GoGeomatics Social April 25th
GoGeomatics has swept aside the curtain to reveal Masroor Hussain, Senior Scientist and Software Developer at PCI Geomatics, as the mystery guest speaker for the April 25th GoGeomatics social in Ottawa.
For weeks we at GoGeomatics have teased the 400 or so participants of our Ottawa Meetup group with the nature of our guest speaker and the topic. It’s been a lot of fun as we received quite a few emails asking who the guest speaker would and some crazy guesses. You would be surprised how many of our participants are interested in local companies as well as projects the Federal goverment has going on in Ottawa.
We are pleased to announce that Masroor will be taking us through some of the latest developments in the PCI software suite. Front and center is the new Object Based Image Analysis module available with Geomatica 2017. This module will let even the newbies handle some of the most advanced image processing tasks.
Come out an meet the brains behind some of the most exiting geomatics technology Canada exports around the globe.
So join us at the James St Pub on Tuesday night April 25th at 7pm for this special talk. You can RSVP to our Meetup group.
Where: James St Pub # 390 Bank Street in Ottawa of course
When: 7pm on Tuesday April 25th (Go to the basement room)
Who: Anybody with an interest in the latest Canadian remote sensing technologies
How Much? As always GoGeomatics events are free!
Free Food: Yes- PCI is buying the nachos!