OSGEO Presents “Geo for All” Initiative – May 30 Ottawa Social
The GoGeomatics Ottawa May Social is taking place May 30, and we’re pleased to announce that this month’s speaker will be Fabien Ancelin, of OSGeo (The Open Source Geospatial Foundation). Fabien will be joining us at the James Street Pub (390 Bank Street) to discuss and explain OSGeo and their “Geo for All” initiative. “Geo for All” is an educational initiative to promote spatial education to all through open source spatial software. Their aim is to make it possible for young people in developing countries to access geospatial education. Click here to read more about OSGeo and “Geo for All.”
Here’s a bit of background information on Fabien Ancelin:
Fabien is a GIS analyst, particularly interested in GIS for transportation and open source technologies. He works with multiple technologies with ESRI business partners and companies that rely heavily on open source in Ottawa. Since May, Fabien has worked as a developer at ESRI Canada, but has stayed involved in the open source world as the co-chair and developer of OSGeo Ottawa. He believes that open source provides an alternate and complementary path, while empowering people.
Fabien will be fielding your questions at the end of his talk. These monthly socials are also great opportunities to network and chat with others in the geospatial community – professionals, entrepreneurs, professors, recruiters, students, and more – over a drink and casual atmosphere.
Date: May 30, 2014
Time: 7:00PM
Location: James Street Pub (basement room), 390 Bank Street, Ottawa