February 1st, 2013 Canadian Geomatics MERX Report

Here is the February 1st 2013 GoGeomatics MERX Report. Login to see the contracts on MERX Canadian Support Project – Senegal’s…

NRCan talks to the United Nations about Geomatics

At the end of last year, I came across what I think is an excellent synopsis of what NRCan and…

The Canadian GIS Education Handbook

Success is a destination for which a clear path must be drawn.  As GIS technology is relatively young in the…

GeoEd: Where Surveyors Can Learn and Connect

Present day technology has the ability to facilitate so many things that it’s sometimes hard to comprehend how fast it…

A New Opporunity For Non-Profits

GoGeomatics Canada has made a policy change regarding event postings on our website. Although we used to charge a nominal…

February 1st Toronto Career Seminar: Get a Job in GIS & Remote Sensing!

Location: York University Keele Campus (4700 Keele Street – Toronto, ON, Canada, M3J 1P3) in the Petrie Science & Engineering…

2014 Canadian Geomatics Events & Conferences

This is our list of Canadian geomatics conferences and events for 2014.  Here you will find events pertaining to GIS,…

Career Fair

York Geomatics Career Fair January 31st

The York Geomatics student club is holding a career fair for the geomatics industry January 31st.  If you are looking…

January 1, 2014 Canadian GoGeomatics MERX Report

Here is the January 1st, 2014 GoGeomatics MERX Report. Login to see the contracts on MERX Geomatics Services Published:    …

The Caravan Thunders Onward

“The caravan thunders onward On my way at last, on my way at last I can’t stop thinking big” –…

A Recap: GoGeomatics Canada’s Top Articles of 2013

At the end of each year, we at GoGeomatics Canada like to wrap up by taking the time to look…

Surveying in Action – Occam’s razor at Gull River Indian Reserve: The south boundary

By Dr. Brian Ballantyne Surveyor General Branch, NRCan Reprinted from the Ontario Professional Surveyor, Volume 56, No. 4, Fall 2013…