Top Five Canadian Geomatics LinkedIn Groups
Since our Top 10 Canadian Geomatics Twitter feeds article was such a (controversial) hit, we’ve decided to do another entry…
A to B – (A Geographers Journey)
Hey everyone! It’s been suggested by a number of people including GoGeomatics Canada that I consider writing a blog and…
Measuring Tree Canopy Cover in an Urban Environment
To properly and effectively design and manage the city’s tree canopy it is important to quantify the amount and composition…
Top 10 Canadian Geomatics Twitter Feeds
We have scoured the net and reviewed a number of Canadian Twitter streams. Skilled tweeters can pack a good deal of pertinent information and keen insight into 140 characters. The trouble is, they can be hard to find in a swelling sea of self-aggrandizing micro bloggers. That’s why we have assembled a list of the top ten Twitter feeds from Canadian geomatics professionals, personalities, and organizations.
Stephanie Murphy – GIS Analyst for the R.C.M.P
GoGeomatics Canada would like to welcome one of their editors, Stephanie Murphy. Stephanie graduated from Ryerson University with a Master…
Canadian Women in Geomatics
GoGeomatics is pleased to announce the launch of our very first Women in GIS / Geomatics section on the GoGeomatics website. Along…
Geomatics Entrepreneur – Cardinalus Corporate Consulting
Check out our second interview in our new series on Geomatics Entrepreneurs. GoGeomatics had a chance to chat with with Dennis Nazarenko; President at Cardinalus Corporate Consulting in Ottawa and here is what he had to share …
Spatial Ecologist and GIS Manager
Ted Elliot of LGL Limited environmental research associates helps to better explain and define what a Spatial Ecologist and GIS Manager’s role could be. A key to LGL’s success has been the stability of the company, resulting in low staff turnover. Several staff members have been with LGL for 30 years or more. This experience enables LGL to complete assignments efficiently, on time, and within budget, and with a high degree of scientific competence.