Bob Ryerson
Dr. Bob Ryerson on GoGeomatics Canada’s Past, Present, and Bright Future
It is hard to believe that six years has gone by and over 1000 articles have been provided by GoGeomatics,…
The Importance of Students & Young Professionals in Canada’s Geomatics Community
With the help of our sponsors GoGeomatics Canada is bringing students and young geospatial professionals together at 11 events from…
How Canadian Remote Sensing Was Made Commercially Successful & Exportable
This piece started as a note on some of my experience as an international consultant in remote sensing specifically and…
Canada Day Came Early at the Canada Aviation and Space Museum
June 23rd marked a special day in the history of aviation and space in Canada. A very special aircraft, a…
Summary Report: Canadian Geomatics Environmental Scan & Economic Value Study
NRCan has released a summary report synthesizing the findings of two long-anticipated studies that will illuminate the status of the…
Lawrence Morley Inducted in the Canadian Science & Engineering Hall of Fame
Dr. Lawrence Morley was recently honoured posthumously for his contributions to the advancement of science and technology in Canada. In…
GoGeomatics Canada is Looking for Geospatial Speakers in Ottawa and Toronto
Do you have something to say about GIS, surveying, remote sensing or location technology? GoGeomatics Canada is looking for speakers…
Two Great Remote Sensing Speakers: CRSS Ottawa & Toronto Events
At the end of this month, GoGeomatics Canada will be having two standout speakers at the Ottawa and Toronto Socials.…
Last Night’sTalk: The Art of Successfully Applying for Government Jobs in Geomatics
Last night’s social, which happened at the James Street Pub, was a great success! We had a total of 47…
2014 Canadian Geomatics Events & Conferences
This is our list of Canadian geomatics conferences and events for 2014. Here you will find events pertaining to GIS,…
Why Using the Word Geomatics Sucks in Canada
A few months ago, GoGeomatics asked a number of distinguished Canadian writers to share their thoughts on a controversial subject.…
Giving Thanks to Our Job/Event Posters, Sponsors and Article Contributors
GoGeomatics Canada would like to thank the following contributors, sponsors and companies/organizations for their support since the relaunch of our new…