Everything You Need to Know About 3D Mobile Mapping
What’s 3D mobile mapping? How does it work? Can it save your business money? You’ve heard good things about 3D…
Meet GeoBC Recruiters at the GeoIgnite Career Fair
Discover your future with GeoBC at the GeoIgnite Career Fair from November 7-8, 2023! Learn about joining their team and…
The GoGeomatics Expo Welcomes Lethbridge College as an Education Sponsor
The GoGeomatics Expo is excited to announce Lethbridge College as an Education Sponsor! Join us in Calgary between November 6…
SXblue Exhibiting at the GoGeomatics Expo
Join us in giving a warm welcome to SXblue GPS, who will be showcasing their innovative products at the GoGeomatics…
GoGeomatics Expo is Happy to Announce Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine as Media Sponsor
Join us in welcoming Environmental Science & Engineering Magazine to the GoGeomatics Expo as a valued Media Sponsor. Environmental Science…
Leadership Opportunity- Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC): President & CEO
Pioneering Geospatial Excellence: The Role The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) has posted a job opportunity for President and Chief Executive…
Calling all Demonstrators: Showcase Technology, Data, Services & Case Studies
Welcome to the “Expo Demonstration Zone” Calling all Demonstrators! Showcase your technology in front of practitioners, industry influencers, the next…
Teledyne Geospatial announces new Vice President and General Manager, Geoffroy Deltel
Teledyne Geospatial is pleased to announce the appointment of Geoffroy Deltel as Vice President and General Manager. Mr. Deltel will…
Canadian 2021-22 Geospatial Pandemic Survey: The results are in
The results of the GoGeomatics pandemic survey ready to be revealed. What difference a year makes? Who did GoGeomatics Survey?…
Sparkgeo Uses a Geospatial Lens to Look at Earth’s Issues on a Planetary Scale
Cadell Asks Us To Rescale Our Way of Thinking The keynote speaker for GeoIgnite, Winter Geo conference on March 2,…
Master Class training available online: GIS Project Management April 30th at GeoIgnite
This half-day workshop cuts through the theory and fluff to present, in practical terms, the essential practices for successful GIS…
International Geospatial Briefing March 8th: Geography, a cause for inequality; Drone Survey of a Wind Farm Access Road; Loss of soil study using satellite imagery; Japanese noisy children map; Minority-owned businesses map
Geography can become a root cause for inequality when cities are built in a way that fragments social networks A…