Andrew Hoggarth: CARIS Geospatial Software Solutions

GoGeomatics recently had the opportunity to talk with Andrew Hoggarth, Marketing and Sales Manager, CARIS . As a senior executive in the Geomatics industry, Andrew has a wealth of experience to share about CARIS and how his technical expertise has led him to a senior position in a business role.

Photogrammetry and Cartographic Specialist

GoGeomatics met with Jenn White a photogrammetry and cartographic specialist to talk about her job hunt and her career. Jenn has worked has worked for the federal government in Ottawa and for industry in the prairies.

Jenn attended the University of Manitoba, where she got a B.A. Advanced with a Major in Geography. In her second year of studies, she took a cartography course and it was from that course, that she became passionate about working with and creating maps. Find out more about Jenn White, a Photogrammetry and Cartographic specialist.

Topcon Experienced Canadian Surveyor

We had the opportunity to talk with Mike Strutt about surveying and his career. Mike is one of the most experienced surveyors in Canada . began his survey career in 1974 and managed his first GPS project in 1987 while a field officer with the Geodetic Survey of Canada. Prior to joining Topcon where he now manages RTN Services, Support & Training, Mike spent in excess of 11 years and 10,000 hours delivering instruction on the use of GPS for surveying and mapping.

If you’re thinking about getting into surveying or just more about what a surveyor does this is a must read.

Geomatics Entrepreneur – Cardinalus Corporate Consulting

Check out our second interview in our new series on Geomatics Entrepreneurs. GoGeomatics had a chance to chat with with Dennis Nazarenko; President at Cardinalus Corporate Consulting in Ottawa and here is what he had to share …

Geomatics / DEM Specialist

Greg Druce, a Geomatics Specialist focusing on quality control of DEMs at MDA Corporation. Greg is new to the field, offering views on the attraction of geomatics and finding and developing a career through a nontraditional path. He agreed to discuss his job and career direction going forward.