
Free Satellite Imagery For You: Sentinel 1 & 2

Sentinel constellations and data products As the ENVISAT program is coming to an end, the European Space Agency has begun…

UNB: Spring Graduate Seminar and Student Technical Conference

  The GGE Spring 2017 Graduate Seminar and Student Technical Conference was held on Thursday, 16 March. The well-attended activity…

GIS Open Source versioning tool for a multi-user Distributed Environment (part 2)

Cet article est aussi disponible en français. This article is the 2nd part of GIS Open Source versioning tool for a multi-user Distributed…

GIS Open Source versioning tool for a multi-user Distributed Environment (part 1)

Editors note: This article has been jointly written by Nicolas Gignac, Dami Sonoiki (eHealth Africa) and Samuel Aiyeoribe (eHealth Africa). These authors…

CCA Ottawa Conference: “150 Years of Cartography: Past, Present and Future”

The 42nd Annual Conference of the Canadian Cartographic Association “150 Years of Cartography: Past, Present and Future” Location: Carleton University,…

Remote Sensing QGIS: Semi-Automatic-Classification Plugin (SCP)

Semi-Automatic Classification Plugin   Today I’m going to take a quick look at one of the remote sensing plugins for…

Top Ten Climate Change Maps and GIS Applications

Awareness for climate change has been steadily increasing ever since the Green Revolution in the 1960s. There is a plethora…

The Integrated Cadastral Information (ICI) Society and ParcelMap BC

This is the first of two articles on the release of ParcelMap BC Data, which we see as a significant…

The Future of GIS Software? QGIS A Popular Open-Source GIS for the Masses

In today’s geomatics society, ArcGIS, developed by Esri, is a giant and dominates the GIS software market. However, there are…

Feb 7-8: Two Day Workshop on High Resolution Mapping Along Coastal Zones

The coastal zone, that dynamic geographic region where the interaction of the sea and land occurs, is vital to the…

The 5 most interesting things that happened in geomatics in 2016

Let’s take a step back and have a look at what happened this year. To be honest, it was pretty…

A List of Geospatial Open Data Resources in Canada

Recently, I read an article about the Canadian Geospatial Data Infrastructure (CGDI) that seeks to explain why the CGDI, among many…

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