forest fires

Bob Maher: Back to School at COGS

Bob Maher: Back to School at COGS

On Friday, GoGeomatics hosted a back-to-school social at COGS (see previous post A Hidden Gem: Harbourville). It included a series of…

The GeoIgnite Western Canada Career Fair

The GeoIgnite Western Canada Career Fair: Connect, Learn & Build Your Future

Co-located with the GoGeomatics Expo, the GeoIgnite Western Canada Career Fair is where Canada’s top organizations will recruit from a…

GoGeomatics Expo Climate Resliliency

GoGeomatics Expo Adds New Program: Geomatics for Climate Resiliency

In recognition of the pressing global environmental challenges we face today, the Expo has added a new program to highlight…

Sparkgeo uses geospatial technology to analyze water hazards caused by BC wildfires

Western Canadian wildfire season is quickly approaching. The increase in wildfire season length, wildfire frequency, and burned area makes it…

Hatfield releases R-BAM algorithm to all Canadian wildfire agencies

The Rapid Burned Area Mapping (R-BAM) technology was developed over the last three years by Hatfield Consultants and aims to…