
The Integrated Cadastral Information (ICI) Society and ParcelMap BC

This is the first of two articles on the release of ParcelMap BC Data, which we see as a significant…

Postal Codes: Canada Post Backs Down on Crowdsourced Open Data

Have you ever felt the wrath of a Canadian Crown Corporation? In 2011 Canada Post set its sights on Ervin…

Data BC Portal: iMapBC & Geographic Services

The new Data British Columbia Portal is now open.  Here you are going to find an exciting new set of…

Glenor Pitters: Co-Founder of DMTI Spatial

We are privileged to present Glenor Pitters to our readers, the co-founder of DMTI Spatial. We will be speaking with her…

Evaluation of the Data BC Portal, GIS Section

The province of British Columbia (B.C.) recently revised their portal. The main page offers a number of services to the…