
Thank you to the GeoIgnite Sponsor & Exhibitors

Thank You to the GeoIgnite 2024 Sponsors & Exhibitors

On behalf of the GeoIgnite team and committee members, we would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to all the…

Bob Maher Reviews: 2023 COGS Back to School Social & GoGeomatics Industry Panel

This article was first posted on the Ernest Blair Experiment It’s Saturday (Sept. 16) no power, no Internet in Paradise…

Resources and Maps: National Indigenous History Month

June is National Indigenous History Month.  This month gives Canadians the opportunity to honour the resilience, stories, history and achievements…

TopoDot - How to Choose the Best Point Cloud Processing Software

TopoDOT: How to Choose the Best Point Cloud Processing Software

Originally published by Mike Cook on September 2, 2021. You got a point cloud, great! Now what? You need a…

Hacking to liberate RADARSAT-1 data

How four individuals came together at the recent Ottawa Space Apps Challenge to create intuitive access to the RADARSAT-1 Catalog…

My COGS GIS Education, Part II

In my first article, I introduced the how and why I chose to attend COGS from the fall of 2014…

Canadian Hydrographic & National Surveyors Conferences: 2018 Victoria, BC: March 26-29

2018 Canadian Hydrographic & National Surveyors Conferences  March 26-29, 2018, Victoria B.C. Sponsor and Exhibitor Registration is now opened.  You…

My COGS GIS Education

What About COGS The Centre of Geographic Sciences (COGS) is one of the best colleges in Canada for learning GIS. …

Eastern Canada

Grand Banks to the Gulf of Mexico: My Canadian Geomatics Career

I often contemplate what it would have been like working at the same job for an entire career. Mind you,…

High Resolution Mapping Along the Coastal Zone Workshop

Event Recap: COGS & CIG & GANS Cooperate for Mapping Workshop

The Canadian Institute of Geomatics (CIG) Nova Scotia Branch and the Geomatics Association of Nova Scotia (GANS), two regional professional organizations that foster the application of geographic information within the geomatics sector recently collaborated to host a high resolution mapping workshop at the Centre of Geographic Sciences (COGS) in Lawrencetown, Nova Scotia.

Software Development – The Key to Ecere’s Success

It is rare to learn of a GIS company in which much R&D is done up front to create the…

Upgrade your Geospatial Skills: leveraging the power of MOOCs

What I want to share with you are some resources related to something called Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) where…

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