mapping technology
International Geospatial Digest – February 10, 2025
USGS releases first-ever map of potential for geological hydrogen in U.S. India to Set Up National Geospatial Mission Scientists brace…
Uncovering the Past: How LiDAR Technology is Revolutionizing Archaeology
Introduction Mapping and history have been entwined since the first came to be. Maps have allowed humans to expand and…
Insights from the Toronto International Map Industry Association (IMIA) Conference
Maps are important. I know that, and if you are reading this, you likely know that as well. Whether you…
From Alcatraz to Asset Management: Dive into the Latest in Reality Capture at the GoGeomatics Expo
The National GoGeomatics Expo 2024 is happy to present the Reality Capture & Digital Twin presentation track. We are presenting…
As-built Update Backlog Challenge Addressed by SSP Innovations
Where there is a challenge, there is a solution. On March 23, 2022, Peter Batty, Chief Research Officer at SSP…
Lux Modus Shares the Effectiveness of Creating a 3D Infrastructure Digital Twin
An infrastructure digital twin is possible now. SUMSF welcomed President of Lux Modus, Joseph Hlady, to speak on March 22,…