resource management
Esri Canada Joins GeoIgnite 2025 as Gold Sponsor
Ottawa, ON – GoGeomatics Canada is pleased to announce that Esri Canada has joined GeoIgnite 2025 as a Gold Sponsor.…
From the Depths of Hydrography to the Hydrospatial domain with Denis Hains
In Part 1, we explored the legacy of Dr. Sam Masry and the importance of the Sam Masry Award, which…
The Public Good Program is Back at GoGeomatics Expo
The Geomatics for the Public Good program at the National Expo highlights how geomatics technology is being harnessed across federal,…
Celebrating Earth Day with Conventional and Unconventional Applications of Geospatial Technology: Part 2
3 Unconventional Earth-friendly Applications of Geospatial Technology After talking about some of the more conventional methods of implementing geospatial technology…
M.A. or M.Sc. Opportunity – Environmental Assessment and Resource Mgt
M.A. or M.Sc. Graduate Research Opportunity Department of Geography and Planning University of Saskatchewan Opportunity: The Department of Geography…
Google Earth Engine – What is a Data Cube and Why Canadians Should Care
What is a data cube and how is it used for big data analytics? How does a data cube work…
New GoGeomatics Group in Thunder Bay, Ontario
GoGeomatics is excited to introduce the Thunder Bay GoGeomatics group as the newest grass roots effort by local geospatial professionals,…
UBC Unveils New Masters of Geomatics for Environmental Management
The UBC Faculty of Forestry is excited to announce that the official approval of the Master of Geomatics for Environmental Management…
TECTERRA Funds $4.9 Million for Geomatics Innovation in Canada in 2015-16
TECTERRA Inc. announced it had committed $4.9 million of funds to support the geomatics technology sector in Canada during the…
SNRC: UAV Integration Highly Valued in Canadian Marketplace
Due to a foreseeable increase in the demand for UAV acquired aerial imagery in resource management, various firms are already…
New results from Optech Titan field tests
New results from Optech Titan field tests at AGU Fall Meeting December 8, 2015 — Teledyne Optech is pleased to…
Local Action & Geomatics: the Gowgaia Institute on Haida Gwaii
This blog is a sequel to last month’s discussion on ‘think global, act local‘. It looks at the the Gowgaia…