GoGeomatics GIS Day event – Free RADARSAT Receiving Station Tour
You are invited to the GoGeomatics GIS Day event – Free RADARSAT Receiving Station Tour
If you would like to take the tour or know someone who might please pass this message on.
Date: November 16th, Wednesday (2011)
Start Time 1pm Finish time around 3:30 or 4pm
Next week instead of the usual coffee and jobs group meeting GoGeomatics has arranged a free tour of the Gatineau Receiving Station that is run by the Canadian Centre for Remote Sensing (CCRS).
The Gatineau Satellite Station presently receives data from the following Earth observation satellites:
The Canada Centre for Remote Sensing has operated the Gatineau Satellite Station since October 1985. This is an amazing tour of the facilities. We will be meeting with the station managers and production staff.
Its about a half hour drive to the receiving station. If you are able to help out by car pooling please let me know. We will need to leave Ottawa by 12:15pm or so to be there in plenty of time.
Please contact me to get on the list and make arrangements.