Brian Bancroft
Brian Bancroft is a Toronto-based diletante that specializes in project and reference mapping, backend web development as well as geographic analysis. Formerly an Army Communications and Information Systems Specialist, he holds a Bachelor of Science with majors in Physics and Geomatics from the University of Ottawa. He hopes to eventually move back to Vancouver Island, where he can run up and down all sorts of mountains. Brian can be reached at via @brian_bancroft on Twitter.
Articles by Brian Bancroft
GIS Specialists not so special anymore
As a former GIS specialist who has transitioned to a new career as a software developer I have a story…
A List of Geospatial Open Data Resources in Canada
Recently, I read an article about the Canadian Geospatial Data Infrastructure (CGDI) that seeks to explain why the CGDI, among many…
Jessi Mielke Esri’s Certification Manager Chats About the Esri Technical Certification Program
For the last 6 months I’ve been writing articles and discussing my experience in regards to the Esri technical certification…
Esri Technical Associate Certification: how I passed the test
A few months ago, I decided to obtain the Esri Associate certification for ArcGIS Desktop and wrote about my reasoning here. …
Part 2: Preparing for the Esri Desktop Associate Exam
Last month in Part 1 of my series I shared my reasoning on why I wanted to try for the…
Esri Technical Certification: Why am I going to take it?
A couple weeks ago, I decided that I wanted to take one of the Esri Technical Certification Exams to improve…
Brian Bancroft, Sight Surveillance: Geomatics in Action
I work for Sight Surveillance. My day begins bright and early in the morning. After a hearty meal, I set…