Take the Survey: Canadian “Geo” Associations Survey

GoGeomatics Canada is conducting a survey of the Canadian geospatial community to see what you think about associations in our…

CGCRT Says GeoAlliance – Take it or Leave it

As one of the former team members, and until last fall a volunteer of the Canadian Geomatics Community Round Table…

A Geomatics Sector that Spatially Enables a Geospatial Community – A Team Canada Perspective

by Ed Kennedy and Evert Kenk. Is there value in formalizing definitions for both the Geomatics Sector and Geospatial Community…

All the Geomatics Acronyms You Wanted to Know but were Too Afraid to Ask

Here in Canada, there are many geomatics acronyms that get tossed around. During the recent “Team Canada” event that the…

Ed Kennedy Discuses GIAC’s Past and Future

The Canadian geomatics community has been discussing and debating the importance of having a thriving and useful geomatics industry association. …

Additional Input: GoGeomatics Geo-Conundrum about Geomatics Associations

I was recently asked if I believe a Canadian Geomatics trade association is in some form beneficial to the geomatics…

GIAC & the Search for Canada’s Geomatics Business Leadership in the CGCRT

In case you haven’t heard, the Canadian geospatial community is actively working towards a strategy that will propel our sector…