Get that GIS Dream Job: Work Abroad Using Your Geospatial Skills for International Development
You might have never heard of the very excellent job board called
I don’t know the folks that run this site but it predates the original GoGeomatics site or sites. That’s a long time!
If you are interested in working for the United Nations or any number of non-governmental organisations around the globe you should check it out.
DevNetJOBS has thousands of opportunities. This is not a Location Tech job board though. So very few of them are geospatial. Every now and then a really excellent job comes through where they need a GIS analyst or Remote sensing specialist.
I’ve kept an eye on the site for the past 15 years as I too like to travel for work. It’s a great way to see the world and help your fellow humans. I’ve taken a couple of contracts myself.
I just checked the site and only found one job that had a geospatial related description. There are not a lot of jobs so you need to keep going back to check it out or sign up for alerts.
Search terms I suggest using are, GIS, ESRI, Geospatial and mapping. Try more though. Include your skills sets. You will find some internship positions and senior positions as well if you keep going back. (International Development Jobs) (Geneva/ Swiss Development, UN Jobs) (UN, NGO Jobs in India)
Good luck!