Dianne Gray
Dianne completed a Bachelor of Science Honours in Earth and Environmental Sciences at UBC-Okanagan, Kelowna, BC, in 2010. She did geology work as an undergraduate and as a geologist for two years after graduation. She then attended BCIT in Burnaby, BC, in 2012, where she completed the GIS Advanced Diploma program with distinction in 2013, and returned to Kelowna in 2015. Her GIS work experience includes the mining, environmental, oil and gas, consulting, and wind energy sectors.
Dianne became involved with GoGeomatics through attending the Vancouver socials for two years and began writing articles for GoGeomatics starting in 2013. In 2016, she started the GoGeomatics Kelowna group and is currently a group leader for this group.
Articles by Dianne Gray
Why is it so hard for Millennials to find and keep a GIS Job?
The young generation known as Millennials or Generation Y (That I the writer am a part of) have had many…
Fire GIS Uses Maps, Data, & Social Media–A Hot Tool for BC Residents, Travellers
Every summer in British Columbia, along with long days, sunshine, heat, and little rain comes an all-too-familiar reality: hundreds of…
GoGeomatics Kelowna: September Success & October Social With Talk from Esri Canada
GoGeomatics Kelowna’s first Back-to-School September social was a huge success! Among the attendees were a great group from Stantec, our…
GIS Certification: Options and Discussion
There are many GIS and geomatics certification options available to Canadians. They have been discussed in detail in previous articles. …
GIS Certification: Esri Certification
Many GIS Certification options exist for Canadian geomatics professionals, including software-specific certifications. One popular software certification is the Technical Certification…
GoGeomatics Coming to Kelowna, BC
As a former Burnaby resident and fairly new to the field of GIS as a 2013 graduate of BCIT’s GIS…
GIS Certification: The Canadian Institute of Geomatics Certification Program
One of the GIS Certifications available to Canadians specifically is the Certified Geomatics Specialist certification available from the Canadian Institute…
GIS Certification: AOLS Certificate of Registration
Among the various types of GIS and Geomatics certifications available to Canadians, The Association of Ontario Land Surveyors (AOLS)…
GIS Certification: ASPRS Certification
One type of certification available for GIS and Geomatics professionals is the ASPRS Certification program available from the American…
GIS Certification: The GISP
Professional certification is nothing new. It is a requirement in many fields to help regulate professional practices in specific industries…
Jobs: Career Strategies for Students and Recent Graduates in GIS
What Students and Recent Graduates Can Do Relating to another article I wrote, called “Career Challenges for Students and…
Jobs: Career Challenges for Canadian Students and Recent Graduates in GIS
The Challenges As a recent graduate (2013) of GIS training at BCIT in Burnaby in addition to an Honours Bachelor…