Geoff Zeiss
Geoff Zeiss has more than 20 years experience in the geospatial software industry and 15 years experience developing enterprise geospatial solutions for the utilities, communications, and public works industries. His particular interests include the convergence of BIM, CAD, geospatial, and 3D. In recognition of his efforts to evangelize geospatial in vertical industries such as utilities and construction, Geoff received the Geospatial Ambassador Award at Geospatial World Forum 2014. Currently Geoff is Principal at Between the Poles, a thought leadership consulting firm. From 2001 to 2012 Geoff was Director of Utility Industry Program at Autodesk Inc, where he was responsible for thought leadership for the utility industry program. From 1999 to 2001 he was Director of Enterprise Software Development at Autodesk. He received one of ten annual global technology awards in 2004 from Oracle Corporation for technical innovation and leadership in the use of Oracle. Prior to Autodesk Geoff was Director of Product Development at VISION* Solutions. VISION* Solutions is credited with pioneering relational spatial data management, CAD/GIS integration, and long transactions (data versioning) in the utility, communications, and public works industries. Geoff is a frequent speaker at geospatial and utility events around the world including Geospatial World Forum, Where 2.0, MundoGeo Connect (Brazil), Middle East Spatial Geospatial Forum, India Geospatial Forum, Location Intelligence, Asia Geospatial Forum, and GITA events in US, Japan and Australia. Geoff received Speaker Excellence Awards at GITA 2007-2009.
Articles by Geoff Zeiss
Developing a subsurface digital twin for Canada: A call to action
Damage to underground infrastructure during construction costs the Canadian economy about $3 billion in direct and indirect costs every year.…
Announcement – Speakers for the Canadian Underground Forum (CUF): Advances in locating and mapping underground infrastructure event at GeoIgnite April 29/30
Without accurate maps of underground infrastructure, every construction project runs a significant risk of schedule and budget overruns and causing…
Announcement – Canadian Underground Forum (CUF): Advances in locating and mapping underground infrastructure event launches at GeoIgnite this April
Join Canadian leaders at GeoIgnite 2021 for the inaugural Canadian Underground Forum (CUF) that will explore issues and technologies around…