• Posted on: November 1, 2017
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Edmonton GIS Day Guest Speaker: The City of Edmonton’s Open Data Platform

We are pleased to announce a special talk on GIS Day at the upcoming GoGeomatics Social in Edmonton!

Open City and Innovation Strategic Planner at City of Edmonton

Meet David Rauch, the Open City and Innovation Strategic Planner at The City of Edmonton. He is the guy leading the talk on GIS day at our social in Edmonton. David will be discussing The City of Edmonton’s Open Data platform.

This talk will contextualize The City’s Open Data with the open government movement both internationally and nationally. David will also highlight features of the website, go over successful community open data use cases, and talk about potential future collaborations.

This talk is significant because The City’s data is mostly spatial, and since the City collects so much data, there is always the opportunity to get more value out of it. To get the most out of open data, the goal is for community and institutional partners to use the data to generate value, while connecting with data users in order to better tell your story, approach, and findings to the community and back to internal staff at The City.

Metropolitan Billiards Edmonton

David and his team are trying to get in front of various data users, like yourself, throughout the city this year to show how open data can be easily accessible. This talk is important for our community and I encourage everyone to join and listen to David, whether you are a professional or a student in the geomatics industry. The exposure to data will benefit your research, your classroom, and your company. Join us at our next GoGeomatics social to learn how to use open data information and contribute back to the geomatics community in Edmonton!

 Join us at The Metro Billiards (10250 106 Street NW, Edmonton) @ 6:30 pm on November 15th, 2017 for GIS DAY.

About David Rauch…

David is The City of Edmonton’s Smart City Strategic Planner, helping steward a conversation with private and public partners about how the City can leverage technology to improve people’s quality of life. David has been overseeing the release of open data sets for more than three years and has been using the City’s open data platform for more than five years, even before moving to Edmonton from the USA.

David has worked on some remarkable projects in his career. One project in particular was called the One City Data Hub which acted as an internal corporate data warehouse, integrating data from various systems in the City and external partners to create analytics projects, both spatial and tabular. Formerly to these special projects, David made executive-level interactive infographics, tying performance measures to the City’s strategic goals.

Prior to joining The City’s Open Data team and getting involved with government technology and data, David worked as a digital and newspaper journalist who covered local government detail. David has a wealth of experience using various GIS and statistical tools such as QGIS, ArcGIS, and Tableau to help the City and its elected officials make better data-driven decisions.

We are greatly looking forward to hearing his insight and ideas on open data platforms. These events, like all GoGeomatics networking Socials, are free and open to everyone in the geospatial community. Join David at the GoGeomatics Social to learn more and get involved with your community!

Please CLICK HERE to let us know you will be there! 



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