Esri Education Event Toronto: Geospatial Career Workshop with GoGeomatics
GoGeomatics Canada is attending the Esri Canada GIS in Education and Research Conference in Toronto. This event only happen once every two years and it’s the 3rd time it’s been staged.
This event is unique in the Canadian geospatial community because it provides a low-cost opportunity to learn by attending hands-on workshops given by Esri staff, as well as interesting papers sessions.
GIS in Education and Research Conference
Toronto, Ontario
October 11, 2017 (Wednesday) 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM
7 Hart House Cir, Toronto, Ont
GoGeomatics Career Workshop for Students

Jonathan Murphy GoGeomatics Canada
Jonathan Murphy, Managing Director of GoGeomatics Canada, will be sharing his best advice on a successful job search for new grads and those seeking crucial Co-Op placements. Jonathan specializes in helping young adults get started on a path towards career satisfaction and success. With over 15 years experience in the sector Jonathan takes the guesswork out of deciding “what’s next”.
This one and a half hour seminar is designed to give future GIS professionals the tools they need to succeed in the job market. The seminar is particularly focused on students seeking work in GIS, cartography, remote sensing, programming, and other related geospatial fields.
Cost: $30
A wide variety of topics will be covered, including:
- Assessing your job skills
- The geomatics resume
- The geomatics cover letter
- Evaluating a job postings
- Job search strategies
- In-demand skills
To attend this career seminar registrants must attend Esri education conference. Please use our contact form to sign up for this career seminar by sending us an email.