Round Table – Technology (including innovation, data, and standards)
March 19 @ 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
The Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation (CCMEO) and the Canadian Council on Geomatics (CCOG) are co-hosting a series of virtual round tables to facilitate in-depth discussions on key thematic areas on the future of spatial data infrastructure. Sessions will be available in English and French, with a maximum of 30 participants per session to allow for meaningful dialogue.These round tables are open to individuals and organizations engaged in Canada’s geospatial sector, including:
- Industry and private sector
- Academia and researchers
- Non-governmental organizations (NGOs)
- Indigenous governments, organizations and representatives
- Municipal and local governments
- Interested Canadians
Round Table Schedule:
- Technology (including innovation, data, and standards)
- English: March 19, 2025 (1:00–2:30 PM EST)
Registration and Participation Details:
To be considered for participation in the round tables, register here: https://forms-formulaires.alpha.canada.ca/en/id/cm6avr5ed0052vt68jq6az4ud
- Select up to three round tables based on your areas of expertise and interest
- If you are unable to attend, you can still provide input via NRCan’s online engagement platform: https://www.letstalknaturalresources.ca/geospatial-data-strategy
- Feel free to share this invitation with colleagues who may be interested in participating in the round tables and/or contributing via the online engagement platform
Why Participate?
Your insights and expertise will inform planning for Canada’s geospatial future, so that our national spatial data infrastructure will better align with national priorities and the evolving needs of geospatial producers and users for the benefit of all Canadians. Your input will contribute to a stronger, more collaborative geospatial ecosystem that supports better decision-making for economic growth, public safety, community resilience, environmental sustainability, and digital transformation.
For questions, please email: ccog-cocg@nrcan-rncan.gc.ca.