
Dr. Bob Ryerson on GoGeomatics Canada’s Past, Present, and Bright Future

It is hard to believe that six years has gone by and over 1000 articles have been provided by GoGeomatics,…

Canadian Geospatial Leadership: Lisa-Jen Edmonton GoGeomatics Group Leader

GoGeomatics Canada is catching up with one of our amazing volunteers in Edmonton. As a grassroots volunteer-led movement GoGeomatics strives…

TECTERRA Board Names Jonathan Neufeld as Next CEO

February 14, 2017 (Calgary, Alberta) – TECTERRA announced the appointment of Mr. Jonathan Neufeld as the Chief Executive Officer. Neufeld…

London Ontario: New GoGeomatics Group Inaugural Social Oct 25th

I’m excited to introduce a new GoGeomatics group to the Canadian geomatics community.  Our newest Group is the London GoGeomatics…

The Canadian Institute of Geomatics (CIG) New President: Rodolphe Devillers

The Canadian Institute of Geomatics (CIG) is pleased to announce its new President, Rodolphe Devillers, PhD, Professor in Geography at…

URISA Heads to Toronto for GIS-Pro 2016

The Urban and Regional Information Systems Association (URISA), in partnership with its Ontario, Alberta and British Columbia Chapters, is pleased…

How Canadian Remote Sensing Was Made Commercially Successful & Exportable

This piece started as a note on some of my experience as an international consultant in remote sensing specifically and…

CIG Advancements in Geomatics 2016 Conference in New Brunswick Sept 26th-28th

Advancements in Geomatics – Research and Collaboration for Informed Decisions in a Changing World The Canadian Institute of Geomatics (CIG)…

Ted MacKinnon New President of The Geomatics Association of Nova Scotia (GANS)

The Geomatics Association of Nova Scotia is a small non profit professional organization in Nova Scotia that foster the application of geomatics…

Building Bridges: GeoAlliance

On March 15-16th the GeoAlliance is hosting a strategy event in Calgary you can see here.  They are trying to bring together members…

Looking Back at GoGeomatics Groups in 2015

When I started GoGeomatics Canada in 2011, I had no idea how successful it would become as a community. We…