map projections
Accuracy and Precision [Part II]: Identify GIS Data Inconsistency: Examples From Toronto’s Open Data Portal
This article is the second part of the accuracy and precision series, which discusses data characteristics, examples of data inconsistency…
GNOSIS – A New Geomatics Software Suite
Creating a new GIS from scratch is a tough undertaking. It involves a lot of innovation. Ecere, a Canadian company…
Geospatial Development: Enhancing GIS curricula with programming skills at UNB
Geospatial information science and technology (GIS&T) has rapidly evolved over the last few decades. This evolution has created a highly…
Top 5 GoGeomatics Canada Articles of 2012
To start the new year of right we are showcasing the top 5 GoGeomatics Magazine articles from 2012. We launched…
Brad Maguire: GIS Instructor at Vancouver Island University
GoGeomatics: Welcome to the GoGeomatics Canada community. First off, can you tell us about where you are from and where…