University of Ottawa

Cartographic Specialist or Applications Specialist: That Is The Question.

Well, at least for a post-grad GIS student… Having recently graduated from the University of Ottawa with a BA Honors…

GIS at Niagara College: Janet Finlay

Today we are doing an interview with Janet Finlay from Niagara College. She is an instructor for their GIS-Geospatial Management…

A GIS Postgraduate’s Journal – September 25, 2012

September 25, 2012 Growing up, my life ambitions changed almost daily, not unlike most young children. Nearing the end of…

Stephanie Murphy – GIS Analyst for the R.C.M.P

GoGeomatics Canada would like to welcome one of their editors, Stephanie Murphy. Stephanie graduated from Ryerson University with a Master…

Melanie Tranter – Land Use Specialist at NAV Canada

GoGeomatics Canada had the privilege of interviewing one of their very own editors, Melanie Tranter! GoGeomatics: We would like to begin by…

Great turnout at GoGeomatics October GIS & Jobs Event

This month’s GoGeomatics social meeting was held in conjunction with The National Capital GIS Group at the Clock Tower Brew…