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A Call to Action: The Canadian Geomatics Community Round Table

GoGeomatics Canada wants to introduce you to the Canadian Geomatics Community Round Table website.  The CGCRT is an ambitious endeavor that is being supported by NRCan and the Canadian geomatics community.

This  link we are providing you with acts as the CGCRT HUB for engagement between the CGCRT and the rest of the community.  By saying community, we mean you.

This is a call to action to every geomatics professional in any related field to weigh in, to share concerns and questions with the CGCRT.  If you are a GIS professional, a surveyor, a remotes sensing specialist or a geographer, the CGCRT wants to hear from you.  The means to do that is the HUB.

THE CGCRT is asking you, as part of the community, to grapple with some of the largest issues facing our community today.  Most of them are related to where we are heading in Canada as a geomatics sector. A few of these issues are:

  • How should we be organized?
  • What will our future  human resource needs be and how should our education system support this?
  • What does it mean to be a geomatics professional?
  • How do we define ourselves as a sector and communicate this to the public?
  • What should we be striving towards in terms of data policy and a myriad of others issues relating to business and markets.

The CGCRT has written a number of strategy papers for your consideration and input.  They are broken up into sections on the CGCRT HUB as follows:

IdentityMarketBusiness ModelLeadership & Governance

  Education & Capacity BuildingData SourcesLegal & Policy

By using the contact form on the website, you can give your feedback on these strategy dimensions.  They will be considered and evaluated by the CGCRT as part of the process of coming to strategy.  The questions we face are large, so don’t be overwhelmed. Simply pick the strategy dimension that interests you the most and share your opinion.


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