
Ten Years Later Interview with Wendy MacIsaac

Ten Years Later: Interview with Wendy MacIsaac one of Canada’s Top Surveyors

Ten years ago, GoGeomatics interviewed Wendy MacIsaac of Midwest Surveys Inc. in Calgary, Alberta, about her career and being a…

7th Annual CRSS & GoGeomatics Ottawa Christmas Party: Dec 18th, 2019

It’s been seven years since GoGeomatics and the Canadian Remote Sensing Society (CRSS) teamed up to hold a holiday social…

May 16: Thunder Bay GoGeomatics Speaker: Rob Rempel – Research Scientist MNRF

You are cordially invited to our fun free event geomatics networking event on May 16th.  Tuesday, May 16, 2017 –…

Student Passion for Geography and the Google Summer of Code

GoGeomatics has reached across the Atlantic to interview one of our new geospatial contributors in Europe. Join us as we…

Montreal: Join me at the Earth Observation Summit June 20-22, 2017

As a recent graduate of the Fleming GIS program I jumped at the chance to attend the Earth Observation (EO)…

Mystery Speaker Revealed for Next Ottawa GoGeomatics Social April 25th

GoGeomatics has swept aside the curtain to reveal Masroor Hussain, Senior Scientist and Software Developer at PCI Geomatics, as the…

Google Earth Engine – What is a Data Cube and Why Canadians Should Care

What is a data cube and how is it used for big data analytics?  How does a data cube work…

Ottawa April 29th: Geospatial Career & Job Hunting Seminar

Saturday: April 29th – 9:15 AM Ottawa Library, Main Branch  Basement Conference Room 120 Metcalfe, Ottawa, Ontario We will be…

CANMAP, and SHIFTing gears at COGS

At the end of last month, John Wian hosted the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the CANMAP Research Institute in…

UNB: Spring Graduate Seminar and Student Technical Conference

  The GGE Spring 2017 Graduate Seminar and Student Technical Conference was held on Thursday, 16 March. The well-attended activity…

Thunder Bay, Ontario

New GoGeomatics Group in Thunder Bay, Ontario

GoGeomatics is excited to introduce the Thunder Bay GoGeomatics group as the newest grass roots effort by local geospatial professionals,…

COGS NSCC students use Geomatics to explore the history of Black Loyalists & Joggins Fossil Cliff

NSCC students make major impact in two small communities with huge historical significance Students at Nova Scotia Community College’s Centre…

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