Deanna Sokoloski
Deanna's passion for the outdoors led her to complete a degree from the University of Ottawa with a BA Honours Major in Geography, Minor in Geomatics and Spatial Analysis. While working for GoGeomatics Canada, she decided to attend Algonquin College for a postgraduate certificate in GIS, to further her technical skills.
Articles by Deanna Sokoloski
Lets Meet CanadianGISgirl
CanadianGISgirl is interested in all things Canadian pertaining to GIS. Follow me as I explore the world of Canadian geomatics…
Contribute to GoGeomatics Canada
CanadianGISgirl loves blogging about geomatics, but now we want you too! Contribute to GoGeomatics Canada as a video blogger or…
Kincardine to Ottawa, Ontario Drive: Testing Google Earth vs. ArcGIS 10 GPS Capabilities
I had just finished a trip in Kincardine, Ontario and was preparing for the upcoming eight-hour long drive back to…
GoGeomatics GIS Day event – Free RADARSAT Receiving Station Tour
You are invited to the GoGeomatics GIS Day event – Free RADARSAT Receiving Station Tour If you would like to…
Great turnout at GoGeomatics October GIS & Jobs Event
This month’s GoGeomatics social meeting was held in conjunction with The National Capital GIS Group at the Clock Tower Brew…