
Regie Alam works as a Geomatics Analyst at the Government of Canada. Previous to that he worked as a Senior Data Analyst and as a Field LiDAR System Operator for Terrapoint Canada. He is a voting member of the Ottawa Forests and Greenspace Advisory Committee (OFGAC).

Regie completed a BSc Biology degree at Carleton University and a Graduate Certificate in GIS at Algonquin College. He is proficient in the use of both close, commercial software (e.g., ESRI ArcGIS, Safe FME, ERDAS IMAGINE, IDRISI, etc.)
and open-source software (PostGIS, Quantum GIS, Geoserver, etc.) software. He has expertise in remote sensing, data conversion and processing, GPS data collection and GIS analysis (including 3D visualization). He can be reached at

Articles by Regie

Why Free Open Source Software?

The Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) model provides interacting tools, plugs ins and processes with which Geospatial Analyst (GA)…

The Ottawa Tree Canopy Cover Mapping Project

The City of Ottawa Official Plan set a target of 30% tree canopy cover for the entire city. To the…

Measuring Tree Canopy Cover in an Urban Environment

To properly and effectively design and manage the city’s tree canopy it is important to quantify the amount and composition…