Gavin Schrock

Gavin Schrock, PLS is a surveyor, technology writer, consulting editor for GoGeomatics, and operator of a cooperative GNSS network (RTN). He has worked in surveying, mapping, data management, GNSS, and GIS for more than three decades in the civil, utility, defense, and mapping disciplines. He has published in these fields and has taught these subjects at local, state, national, and international conferences

Articles by Gavin Schrock

Realistic Expectations for GNSS Infrastructure

The pain of compromise long outlives the sweetness of a low-price. A little field maintenance on this GNSS reference station…

Quantum Surveying

Profound change could be ahead for surveying and geomatics, in the realm of quantum physics. 80-minute read PDF The term…

Digital Twins, IoT, and Next-Level Monitoring

Leveraging Bentley Systems Digital Twin and IoT Solutions, a Canadian Monitoring Firm Earns an International Infrastructure Award. A next step-up…

The Art of the 3-Minute Geospatial Presentation

It takes certain skills to make a rapid and effective pitch for your project, product, or paper. Participants in the…

A Conversation With Patrick Cozzi

Bentley Systems acquired Cesium, putting Patrick Cozzi, the founder of Cesium, in a new role. We discuss collaboration, openness, and…

Yes, Solar Storms Can Ruin Your GPS Day

During this peak year of the current solar cycle, there will be some very-GPS-unfriendly days. Being prepared can minimize the…

A Conversation With The Reality Capture Guy

Over a very chatty lunch with Paul Burrows, known globally in geo-social media as ‘The Reality Capture Guy’, many subjects…

Balancing the AI and Human Elements of Geospatial Applications

Balancing the AI and Human Elements of Geospatial Applications

Developers of solutions for geospatial applications have integrated elements of AI for decades. The latest, more powerful (and popularized) wave…

Fast Pitch

Make Your Best “Fast Pitch” at the GoGeomatics Expo

Got a great idea, paper, project or product? Here’s an opportunity to hone your skills in making a “fast pitch”.…

2024 Going Digital Awards Finalists for Innovation in Infrastructure

Finalists for the 2024 awards have been announced, and it’s time to highlight a few of our “hot picks”… The…

Geo-Coolness Finds at the Esri UC 2024

In addition to the always inspiring plenary and informative tracks, there was plenty of Geo-Coolness in the exhibit hall. We…

When (Virtual) Worlds Collide

When (Virtual) Worlds Collide

We are increasingly exposed to visually rich 3D environments, in games, entertainment, and in architecture, engineering and construction applications. Navigable…

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