Stuart Krause
Stuart Krause is originally from Vancouver Island and has a Bachelor degree in International Forest Ecosystem Management and currently finishing up a Master’s degree in Forest Information Technology at the Eberswalde University of Sustainable Development in Germany. He specializes in a combination of geospatial technologies and forest IT and has carried out field work in forest management. Stu is currently employed as a UAV technician and Remote Sensing/GIS specialist at the Eberswalde University and researching the implementation of UAV-based photogrammetric point clouds and LiDAR in forest monitoring.
Articles by Stuart Krause
SNRC: UAV Integration Highly Valued in Canadian Marketplace
Due to a foreseeable increase in the demand for UAV acquired aerial imagery in resource management, various firms are already…
UAV Technology in the Canadian Forestry Sector
The Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) industry is soaring! Civilian drones are being applied in various global industries ranging from agriculture…