Theresa Pinter

Theresa Pinter is a member of the GoGeomatics Canada communications team and an editor for the magazine. She is a graduate of University of Toronto with an A&S Degree and holds a post graduate diploma from Fleming in GIS Applications. When she is not glued to a computer screen, she spends her time looking for new ways to collect and present data. She also loves her aquaponics garden, enjoys her French lessons, and tries very hard to give her fish a happy life.

Articles by Theresa Pinter

Montreal 2017 EO Summit: Is Earth Observation becoming a global partnership for change?

My journey to the 2017 Earth Observation (EO) Summit in Montreal began when I boarded the train and left Union…

Montréal: Joignez-vous au Sommet d’Observation de La Terre le 20-22 juin 2017

En tant que diplômé récent du Fleming GIS programme, j’ai eu la chance d’aller à Montréal pour assister au Sommet…

Montreal: Join me at the Earth Observation Summit June 20-22, 2017

As a recent graduate of the Fleming GIS program I jumped at the chance to attend the Earth Observation (EO)…

Geospatial Earth Observation Using Blimps, Balloons and Kites

These days drones are all the rage. Nevertheless, there are other ways to collect data from the sky! Blimps, balloons and kites…