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Building Software Solutions for Climate Change: Closing the communication gap between citizens and trusted authorities before, during, or after a disaster.

A Climate Change Problem: The Communication Gap between Citizens and Authorities

Ottawa-Gatineau Flood

At a time of rising climate change impacts, there is a vital and growing need to prepare for, respond to, and recover from natural disasters.

But there is a critical communication gap between authorities and citizens.

As citizens, we feel overwhelmed and do not know what specific actions we can take to avoid, mitigate, adapt to, or recover from the effects of climate change impacts and disasters in our personal situation (such as in our home and neighbourhood).

Authorities do not have an easy or consistent way to communicate directly with us and must battle despair, apathy, confusion, and misinformation.

A solution is needed to overcome this communication gap and spur effective action at the individual and community grassroots level.

Using Software to Overcome the Communication Gap

Citizen Flood Mobile App

Drawing on the ongoing results of our massive multi-year climate change R&D project, and with assistance from hundreds of students, citizens, academics, NGOs, and government officials, Canadian software company Deploy Solutions has identified the top perceived climate change-related communication problems. We have explored numerous ways software can help overcome these key barriers to trust and misinformation and offer practical and life-saving advice to protect citizens and society.

Using our unique software factory technology and approach, we are building a prototype to show how authorities can communicate with the public before, during, or after a flood.

Our software prototype demonstrates specific and practical ways satellite imagery, AI, web portals, citizen science, geospatial data analysis and reporting tools, cloud-hosted infrastructure, and other features can be combined in a working software solution.

Trusted Authority Portal

Don’t Miss the GeoIgnite Presentation, and Deep Dive Session

At this year’s GeoIgnite conference, Deploy Solutions Founder & CEO Nicholas Kellett will be presenting “Building Software Solutions for Climate Change: Closing the communication gap between citizens and trusted authorities before, during, or after a disaster”.

The following week, we will host a deep dive webinar to explore the climate change research project prototype in greater detail. No technical knowledge is required, and we will set aside time to answer any questions you may have. Register with GeoIgnite to attend.

Learn and be inspired by the practical ways software can help citizens and society weather climate change impacts and natural disasters!

About Deploy Solutions

Deploy Solutions connects Earth observation data with downstream business needs by providing innovative Space Apps — software applications which use data from space.  

We are streamlining and accelerating the software development process using a factory approach that reduces customer project risk, cost, and duration while maximizing the end user experience and productivity.  

Since 2019, Deploy has been working with hundreds of students, citizens, NGOs, scientists, and government officials to identify top communication problems getting citizens to act on climate change risks. We are exploring ways software can help authorities and ordinary citizens communicate better and prepare for, respond to, and recover from climate change impacts and natural disasters. 

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