
Connect, showcase, present: Sponsor a GoGeomatics Networking Event

The purpose of GoGeomatics Socials is to build a thriving geospatial community through networking opportunities. They are held in pubs across Canada to promote an open and casual environment without the intimidation and cost of more formal networking events.

They are always free, and open to people from all areas of geomatics. We also run annual Back to School Socials every September, to welcome new and returning students to the community.

A local group sponsorship is $1500 for one event, and goes towards the costs of the T-shirts, snacks and the event promotion.  This must be coordinated with GoGeomatics beforehand. Once you sponsor a social, the event rundown can be presented based on your preference. It is completely up to you how the social is ran; in a presentation form or in a networking style gathering!

Why sponsor a social and what are the benefits?

  • It’s a exciting opportunity to promote your brand and drive interest to your business, event or organization
  • Meet or recruit passionate members of the geomatics community
  • The event will be named after your organization (Example: “Your Organization” Toronto GoGeomatics Social)
  • Provides an opportunity to promote your new product, service or activity
  • To speak at the Social and hand out materials
  • Your company logo will be featured on table cards at the event
  • You will be featured in the Canadian Spatial Times bi-weekly newsletter (the most subscribed geomatics newsletter in Canada 6,000+ Subscribers)
  • Your event to be featured on GoGeomatics events board and Meetup
  • Your event to be featured on GoGeomatics social media channels and pages

Please contact info@gogeomatics.ca for more details.

A big thank you to previous Social sponsors