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Methods of Finding GIS and Geomatics Jobs

It’s been a while since I wrote an article about finding work in GIS and geomatics,  so I thought I’d take some time and put pen to paper.

As a career coach for GIS and geomatics one of the first questions I get from job seekers is: How do I find GIS or survey work?

The most common method to obtain employment the world over is by applying to advertised positions. This is also true for GIS jobs in Canada. It’s an effective way to find work because you know there is a job available and that the company is hiring for it. The down side is that everybody else who is looking for a geospatial job is doing the same thing, so the competition for the job is going to be high.

The following points outline the three different ways that job seekers can find opportunities:

  • Advertised Positions
    Positions advertised via job boards, newspaper ads, alumni association notices and HR pages. Companies that have posted these positions will get the highest volume of applicants, making the position very competitive. However, the advantage is that they require the least amount of time to apply
  • Unadvertised Positions
    Unadvertised positions are those that you find through your network and connections. Companies that are not yet ready to advertise their position to the general public will often send informal notices out through their connections (geomatics groups, alumni associations, etc.). This is where networking, both online and offline, becomes important.
  • Positions of Opportunity
    Positions of opportunity are those you create for yourself by actively networking online and in person, if possible. Networking strategies include using social media, creating a geospatial portfolio, and writing articles to create interest in yourself as a professional. This is a winning strategy for job seekers from overseas. These steps, while yielding the best results, also require the greatest time investment. You may even find yourself volunteering without pay before the job offer comes up

Ideally, a job search will involve a combination of these three strategies. As everyone’s lifestyle and comfort level is different, some of these options may require more time than you have.

If you are interested in attending one of my career seminars for students and grads you can attend one I am giving in Toronto. At the October Esri GIS in Education and Research conference.  Read more about that here.

GIS in Education and Research Conference
Toronto, Ontario
October 11, 2017 (Wednesday) 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM
7 Hart House Cir, Toronto, Ont

Here are some links to Networking articles you might like for the Geospatial community:

  1. Intelligent Networking and Advice to Enter the Geospatial Workforce
  2. Jobs & Networking in the Canadian Geomatics Community
  3. Twitter: What is the Purpose of this Social Media Tool?
  4. Starting a GIS Career in a Slow Economy
  5. GoGeomatics Socials: Network and Learn Together
  6. Geospatial Career: Finding a GIS Job

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