annapolis valley

Bob Maher: Back to School at COGS

Bob Maher: Back to School at COGS

On Friday, GoGeomatics hosted a back-to-school social at COGS (see previous post A Hidden Gem: Harbourville). It included a series of…

CANMAP, and SHIFTing gears at COGS

At the end of last month, John Wian hosted the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the CANMAP Research Institute in…

My COGS GIS Education

What About COGS The Centre of Geographic Sciences (COGS) is one of the best colleges in Canada for learning GIS. …

Tim Webster and his Applied Geomatics Research Group (AGRG) team in Halifax, Nova Scotia

Tim Webster: Interview about Past, Present, & Future: Applied Geomatics Research Group

Dr. Tim Webster, is a renowned research scientist with the Applied Geomatics Research Group (AGRG) in Middleton, Nova Scotia. He is…

Esri Canada Community Maps Program: Why more communities need to take advantage of this

The Community Maps Program (CMP) was introduced by Esri Canada in 2009 allowing organizations to share and host geographic data. …

Canadian flag

List of Canadian Geomatics Conferences and Events for 2017

This is our list Canadian geomatics conferences and events for 2017. Here you will find events pertaining to GIS, remote…

The Accidental Geographer: Thoughts on Coming Home

My friend, Edward, directed me towards the Internet and the podcast website entitled ‘The Accidental Geographer’. Edward, in his version…

Geography: Thinking About Walking Home

Walking Home is a book by Ken Greenberg on ‘the life and lessons of a city builder’. It describes the…

Putting Map Making Back Into the Hands of the Community

On April 7th, I attended the community mapping showcase at the NSCC Centre of Geographic Sciences (COGS). This project is…

A Shared Vision

Every year, a small team of Esri staff come to COGS to recruit new talent. As part of the interview…

Ground Truthing

In the world of Remote Sensing, one of the key concepts is ground truthing. This has both a positional component,…

Geography Education: First Thoughts from Haida Gwaii

One of the joys of leaving your residence on one coast (Annapolis Valley, Nova Scotia) and moving to a new…