
Highway GIS Projects

GIS Analyst with a Highway Department

Patrick Korellis, a GIS Analyst currently working with Warren Township – Highway Department. This interview will be broken into two parts. First we would like to get to know more about Mr. Korellis and then we have some questions that we feel will be very helpful for new graduate students applying for similar jobs as this one.

2012 Selkirk College GIS Students

Tracey Harvey Part Two: GIS Instructor, Selkirk College

GoGeomatics Canada is looking to the west of Canada and speaking with Tracey Harvey GIS instructor at Selkirk College in…

Canada’s Arctic: Spatial Info/Geotech Opportunity

Canada’s north has always been a challenge to those living there and to geoscience professionals alike. The sheer size of…

Dave MacLean: GIS Faculty, COGS Advanced Diploma in Geographic Sciences

GoGeomatics Canada is talking to Dave MacLean – a member of the GIS Faculty at the Centre of Geographic Sciences…

Darin Brooks: GIS Instructor, College of the North Atlantic

GoGeomatics: Welcome to the GoGeomatics Canada community. To get started can you tell us about where you are from and…

Lawrie Keillor-Faulkner: GIS Instructor, Fleming College

GoGeomatics Canada is talking to Lawrie Keillor-Faulkner a member of the GIS Faculty at Fleming College in Ontario. GoGeomatics: Welcome…

Bob Ryerson: State of our Art – Canadian Geomatics Editorial

For the first editorial for the new Canadian web magazine for geomatics I have been asked to comment on where…

A to B – (A Geographers Journey) Part 3

A – B Part 3 Mrs. Jordan, Mr. Heinze, Mr. McLelland, Mr. Cleve, Mr. Polianato these are some of the…

Debunking Dust Bowl Dogma

Required reading in numerous U.S. history survey courses, it is the consummate tale of human folly: the Dust Bowl. The…

A to B – (A Geographers Journey) Part 2

In the first installment of A-B, I ended with my realization that I was 36 and returning to university. I had…

Timothy Ensom – Environmental Scientist

This time around GoGeomatics Canada is looking to the west to find Hydrologist Timothy Ensom at Golder Associates. Welcome to…

A to B – (A Geographers Journey)

Hey everyone! It’s been suggested by a number of people including GoGeomatics Canada that I consider writing a blog and…