Hatfield releases R-BAM algorithm to all Canadian wildfire agencies
The Rapid Burned Area Mapping (R-BAM) technology was developed over the last three years by Hatfield Consultants and aims to…
March 2017 GoGeomatics Talks: Toronto, London, Peterborough, Halifax
GoGeomatics Canada has built a thriving geospatial community by creating networking opportunities for our participants. We achieve this by holding free informal…
List of Canadian Geomatics Conferences and Events for 2017
This is our list Canadian geomatics conferences and events for 2017. Here you will find events pertaining to GIS, remote…
A List of Geospatial Open Data Resources in Canada
Recently, I read an article about the Canadian Geospatial Data Infrastructure (CGDI) that seeks to explain why the CGDI, among many…
QGIS & WorldClim: Using Zonal Statistics to Map Temperature Patterns
There has never been a time in the history of GIS when so much free, high quality data has been…
Report for 450 Participants & Sponsors: 2016 GoGeomatics Canada Back to School Socials
Last month the Canadian geomatics community came together to celebrate the start of the new school year by welcoming new…
GoGeomatics Kelowna: September Success & October Social With Talk from Esri Canada
GoGeomatics Kelowna’s first Back-to-School September social was a huge success! Among the attendees were a great group from Stantec, our…
CIG Offers Free Membership to all Students at GoGeomatics Back to School Socials
The Canadian Institute of Geomatics (CIG), Gold-level sponsor of the 2016 GoGeomatics Back to School Socials, is happy to announce…
Become a BCIT GIS Student Project / Practicum Sponsor
The BCIT GIS department has been graduating students for 25+ years. Our students come from BC, but as well, across…
Join us for Coast to Coast “Back to School” 2016 GoGeomatics Canada Socials
GoGeomatics Canada is kicking off the new school year this September, and welcoming everyone to our Canada-Wide Back to School…
Opportunity to Partner with GoGeomatics Canada for 2016 Back to School Socials
Across Canada GoGeomatics volunteers have set the dates and booked the venues. From coast-to coast-this September we will be hosting…