The Caravan Thunders Onward
“The caravan thunders onward On my way at last, on my way at last I can’t stop thinking big” –…
A Recap: GoGeomatics Canada’s Top Articles of 2013
At the end of each year, we at GoGeomatics Canada like to wrap up by taking the time to look…
What is Geomatics? A Gallery by the Alberta Geomatics Group
Geomatics… What is it? Who uses it? How does it relate to the public? These are questions that the Alberta…
Starting a GIS Career in a Slow Economy
You’ve finished all your courses, walked across the stage wearing a grad gown, cap and hood with your school’s chosen…
Fish Weirs, Ktaronto & 13 Other Riparian Boundary Fallacies
By Dr. Brian Ballantyne Surveyor General Branch, NRCan Reprinted from the Ontario Professional Surveyor, Volume 56, No. 2, Spring 2013…
Using Geomatics to Describe our Profession and Industry in Canada
Over forty years, the writer has witnessed a series of transitions and changes in terminology related to changes in the…
GoGeomatics Community Manager Profile: Deanna Sokoloski, Ottawa
It’s with great pleasure that we share Deanna Sokoloski’s profile with the community. She has been working with us since…
Neil Thompson: Geospatial Intelligence & Canadian Military (Part 2)
This is the second part of the interview GoGeomatics Canada has done with Neil Thompson, the Managing partner of the…
Should we be called geomatics or something else?
In order to determine whether geomatics is the most appropriate term for this field it may be useful to review…
Algonquin College Postgraduate GIS Certification Co-op
“Algonquin GIS Co-op is a Win-Win for Students and Employers” Employers are taking the opportunity to evaluate potential future employees…
The Future Of GIS Scripting? Designing A Functional GIS Using Simplified Coding
Suppose you could write yourself a working GIS at home, in a very simple language. Would you? In this…
The Death of Cartography and the Rise of the Machines
This article explores how technology has influenced map making and how cartography requirements have changed, and what skill sets one…